By offering a comprehensive full-day schedule at affordable tuition rates, our programs bridge the gap between quality childcare and high level Montessori education.
All programs include two whole food snacks and a nutritious, well-balanced lunch, served daily.
Ages 6 weeks to 15 months old
Monday through Friday
7:00 am - 6:00 pm
$1380 per month
Ages 15 months old to 2.5 years old
Monday through Friday
7:00 am - 6:00 pm
$1320 per month
Ages 2.5 years old to 6 years old
Monday through Friday
7:00 am - 6:00 pm
$1250 per month
Application Fee - $50
*New Student Enrollment Fee - $500
Annual Re-Enrollment Fee - $250
*New Student Enrollment fees are waived for children who qualify for financial aid through CCMS. See below for more information on Tuition Assistance.
Sibling Discount - 5% off sibling’s monthly tuition
Kindergarten (5yrs+ before Sept 1st) - 5% off monthly tuition
Contact us for pre-payment discounts.
Tuition Assistance
Early childhood education is a vital component of every child’s development. Liberated Montessori at Hurst participates in a federally-funded child care financial aid program which awards scholarships to students based on their family’s gross annual household income.
You may qualify for financial assistance if:
You live in Tarrant County,
You need child care for a child who is under 12 years old,
The child needing care lives in the household with you,
You need child care in order for you to participate in work, school, or training activities for at least 25 hours per week for a single parent, or 50 hours per week for a two-parent family.
In addition to the above, your family must also meet financial eligibility criteria. To help determine if your family qualifies for child care financial assistance, use the chart provided here to determine your family’s annual income limit, then click the button below to apply.
Contact Child Care Management Services or visit your local Texas Workforce Solutions for more information.
Child Care Scholarships Annual Income Limits by Family Size
To determine if your child qualifies for a scholarship, find the column below which best represents your household. The annual income limit is listed below the family size. If you earn less income than the number listed, you will likely qualify for financial assistance.
Example: If your family consists of two adults and two children, your annual income limit is $80,296. This is before taxes.
Family size - 2 Members
Income Limit -$54,601
Family size - 3 Members
Income Limit - $67,449
Family Size - 4 Members
Income Limit - $80,296
Family Size - 5 Members
Income Limit - $93,143
Family Size - 6 Members
Income Limit - $105,991